The Philadelphia Area Reproductive Endocrine Society is committed to promoting continuing education for reproductive endocrinologists in the tri-state area and to facilitate the exchange of ideas in this field. This mission is accomplished by providing regularly scheduled educational opportunities through cutting-edge information provided by celebrated professionals in their particular areas of endeavor.


Dear Colleagues and Friends of P.A.R.E.S.,

I am delighted to announce that we are keeping our P.A.R.E.S. traditions alive by inviting outstanding speakers to our virtual stage for the 2023-24 year. The virtual platform, which was a roaring success last year, has allowed us to spread our reach to the reproductive community for terrific speakers who enhance our knowledge and contributions to the field. This platform has also provided greater leverage to fulfill our educational mission to our members and guests in the most cost-effective way possible.

On Thursday, November 16, we are pleased to welcome Dr. Zev Williams, Chief of the REI Division at Columbia University Medical Center in NY. His talk has a provocative and significant title: "From Easter Island to Central Park: The ongoing quest to slow ovarian aging, delay menopause, and improve Women’s Health" We look forward to Dr. Williams' excellent presentation and a lively Q&A to follow.

On February 22, 2024 the P.A.R.E.S. community will be welcoming Dr. Mandy Katz-Jaffe to our forum. Dr. Katz-Jaffe is the Director of Genetics for CCRM in Denver, CO, and she exemplifies a tradition of translational research that has moved our field significantly forward with human embryo diagnostics and genetics. Her presentation title is TBD, and will no doubt be engaging and relevant to our work.

We are tentatively planning a third virtual meeting in April, with a speaker TBD.

To help keep our P.A.R.E.S. educational mission financially alive for future years of virtual and/or in-person gatherings, please, please make your dues payments in the very near future, both for the 2022-23 and 2023-24 years. A special thank you and note of appreciation is extended to Teri Wiseley, who has administered our Society for 13 years, and is a true pleasure to work with.


Ron F. Feinberg, MD
President, P.A.R.E.S.


Philadelphia Area Reproductive Endocrine Society
invites you to an ZOOM meeting.

Topic: "From Easter Island to Central Park: The ongoing quest to slow ovarian aging, delay menopause, and improve Women's health."

Thursday, November 16, 2023


S. Zev Williams, MD, PhD

Chief, Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
Columbia University Medical Center

Members in good standing and their guests may attend the program via Zoom

RSVP's are due no later than Thursday, November 9, 2023.


Renew your membership online!

Please provide the member's name and click or tap "Pay Dues" below

Member Name:


Download your payment document below.

Please fill out the form with your current information so we may update our records and mail to the provided address with your check.

Download payment form (PDF)


Click here to register online
for our next program


January 2022

August 2021

August 2019

February 2019

January 2019

November 2018

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March 2018

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October 2017

September 2017

April 2017
